Attain masculine chest and high self-confidence with male breast reduction process!

While breast implant and enhancement surgeries are gaining popularity amid females all across the globe, males are also becoming more fascinated in having breast surgery implemented. Hitherto, men are eyeing for the opposite effect, they want a breast reduction. It may surprise you to learn that many maleswrestle with a condition known as gynecomastia, or a widening of the breasts. Some specialistsgauge that this affects as many as 40 to 60 percent of males at some point during their lives, with most episodes befallingduring puberty and adolescence. Maximum boys see this condition evaporate after just a few months, but for some, the distortion sticks around. For understandable reasons, this can be very humiliating. It can make men very uncomfortable going shirtless at the beach or the pool or even in intimate relationships. Confidence often suffers on account of gynecomastia, which makes breast reduction by a knowledgeable, trained plastic surgeon like Dr. Prashant Baranwal a superb option.

What causes gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is not essentially related to being overweight with superfluous fat around the mammaries, although that can be the reason. It is actually a disorder that is often the consequence of hormonal imbalances. Yet there are lots of other causes as well. These take account of the use and abuse of steroids, chronic liver disease and certain genetic syndromes. Gynecomastia can also occur as a side-effect of many medicines, particularly drugs that either upsurge estrogen or decrease testosterone levels in the body.

What does breast reduction surgery involve?

Gynecomastia patients going in for surgery should be reasonably healthy and mentally stable and it is usually a requisite that patients quit smoking at least two weeks before the surgery. The process is executed as the plastic surgeon makes an inconspicuous incision around the areola or in the armpit. The doctor then uses a liposuction cannula to confiscate the surplus fatty tissues, after which the patient is stitched back, occasionally with a small drain left in the incision to permit excess fluids to escape in the next few days. After the operation, the surgeon will bandage the incision and wrap the chest snugly in some dressings to assist with the healing procedure. The first few days post-surgery for gynecomastia patients will generallyencompass some bruising, swelling and pain, but these can be managed with ice packs and recommended pain medicine. After the retrieval, breast reduction patients experience great contentment and often a restoration of confidence as they no longer have to panic aboutawkwardlyhefty breasts!

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