Male Breast Reduction

Do you have man boobs? Are you tired of the humiliation it brings? If you have a case of gynecomastia, Dr. Prashant Clinic can be your savior!

Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia or man boobs is something that men do not want to comment on. Some individuals might laugh or chuckle when they hear the word man boobs perhaps because they do not know that a problem like this actually exist but males who are suffering from this appalling condition do not find it hilarious or laughable. Dealing with gynecomastia is not easy for menfolk since they find this condition dispiriting and uncomfortable.In order to steer clear of embarrassment, men consider it essential to treat this problem timely and effectually. In such a scenario, you can look optimistically towards gynecomastia surgery.

If “male breast” are giving you many restless nights, you can turn to gynecomastia surgery with the help of Dr. Prashant Baranwal in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. Dr. Baranwal is a veteran cosmetic and plastic surgeon who promises to comprehend your problem and recommend you the optimal solution for it. You can recuperate your lost confidence and can flaunt your masculine body once again with his help!

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Gynecomastia is the medical term for enlarged breasts in men which is more ordinarily known as ‘man boobs’. Gynecomastia occurs owing to hormonal imbalance in the breast tissues of males. Gynecomastia is quite rampant in young boys, but as they reach adulthood, it eventually wanes.This issue ascends because of numerous factors like obesity, puberty, intake of steroids, side-effects of prescribed drugs, genetic ailments, tumors, liver infection, castration and alcohol abuse.

Puffy Nipples: It is amid the most common types of gynecomastia. This glandular tissue accumulation is concentrated underneath and typically confined to the areola, or can be somewhat extended outside the areola, giving a dome-shaped appearance to the areola.

Pure Glandular: In weightlifters, this might be a consequence of the use of anabolic steroids. Because of superfluous testosterone levels from steroids, which are converted to estrogen, bodybuilders and other players are sometimes plagued with gynecomastia in its purest form. Gynecomastia in slender males is generally only a breast tissue gland with little to no adipose tissue.

Adolescent: Hereditary or genetic gynecomastia is normally apparent by the ages of 12 to 18 in boys. Thirty percent to sixty percent of young boys struggle with hefty male breasts. As many as thirty percent may live with enlarged male breasts for the rest of their lives, but in other circumstances the gynecomastia will regress with age. However, severe forms of adolescent gynecomastia might necessitate an intervention, in consultation with the patient and the parents.

Adult: Gynecomastia in most adults is composed of glandular tissue and variable amounts of adipose and fibrous tissue.
Pseudo Gynecomastia: This is also recognized as “false Gynecomastia” and is often caused by obesity. It is composed not of glandular tissue, but of adipose tissue principally.

Severe Gynecomastia: It is categorized by excess and/or slack skin and severely enlarged breast. This is itself determined in part by age, as older people suffering from gynecomastia tend to have less skin elasticity and thus will have a bigger profusion of surplus skin related to gynecomastia.

As the situation of having gigantic breasts and shapeless chest is exceptionally humiliating for males, most of them turn towards male breast reduction surgery or gynecomastia surgery for help. A male breast reduction procedure is a surgical process for remedying gynecomastia. Many males undergo this surgery as it aids in rectifying enlarged or over-developed breasts in men. The operation involves the use of liposuction or excision to remove superfluous fat, as well as the elimination of extra skin and glandular tissue. Undergoing a male breast reduction surgery in by Dr. Baranwal, an experienced gynecomastia surgeon will give your chest a firmer, masculine contour that match with your body proportions in a better way.

Maximum male breast reduction doctors recommend patients to wear an elastic pressure garment for 3-6 weeks and they should also avoid exposing blemished regions to the sun for at least 1.5 months. No hefty lifting is suggested for 4-6 weeks.

If you are considering undergoing male breast reduction or Gynecomastia surgery in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, then your prime choice is Dr. Prashant Clinic. You may visit our center for comprehensive assessment and detailed analysis to reach a personalized treatment plan with best Gynecomastia surgeon.

Dr. Prashant says that men of any age who are healthy and emotionally strong are considered good contenders for male breast reduction method. Additionally, the excellent candidates generally are those who have strong, elastic skin and who are considering for restructuring their body. Following are the conditions that you need to search for so as to determine if you are the right contender for this surgery:

If you are discontented with the size or appearance of your breasts.
If you experience physical discomfort due to your breasts.
If you are not threateningly overweight.
Also, if you do not use marijuana, steroids or drink alcoholic beverages unreasonably as these substances might cause gynecomastia.

The procedure

Male breast reduction surgery normally takes an average of 1.5 hours, using general or local anesthesia. If there is redundant glandular tissue, fat and skin, it has to be confiscated. Gynecomastia procedure may be executed alone or in combination with lipoplasty, where the suction device will usually be inserted through the existing incisions. For the removal of excess fatty tissue alone, liposuction may be all that is essential; in such conditions, scars will be small and barely visible. After operation, dressings or bandages will be applied to your incisions and you will be instructed to wear support garment to abate swelling and support your new chest contour as it reconciles.

Post-procedure care

Maximum male breast reduction doctors recommend patients to wear an elastic pressure garment for 3-6 weeks and they should also avoid exposing blemished regions to the sun for at least 1.5 months. No hefty lifting is suggested for 4-6 weeks.

If you are considering undergoing male breast reduction or Gynecomastia surgery in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh,India, then your prime choice is Dr. Prashant Clinic. You may visit our center for comprehensive assessment and detailed analysis to reach a personalized treatment plan with best Gynecomastia surgeon.

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